Neuro Radiology

Our Service Standards

  • Service Standards
    • Neuro One Hospital is a highly professional and dedicated organization. It takes seriously its obligation to the community it serves. To make sure it meets those obligations, Neuro One has established these Standards of Conduct for employees that are designed to articulate the ethical standards that serve as the cornerstone for the organization’s activities – its principles, philosophies, mission and vision – and describe how they affect everyday behaviors and actions of its workforce.

      These Standards are not all-inclusive. They do not embody the totality of Hospital’s standards of conduct for employees or answer every ethical question or issue that may arise. Rather, they should be considered an example of the types of conduct expected and required of every employee, and employees should exercise good faith and common sense in determining how to act and behave in any specific work-related situation. These Standards are only one element of a broader effort to create and maintain an organization that gives ethical conduct the highest priority. This policy is intended to provide one way, but by no means the only way, of assuring that Neuro One Hospital standards are put into practice.

  • Professionalism
    • All employees of Neuro One are expected to maintain and exhibit the highest standards of professional conduct in their dealings with each other, which include patients, visitors, physicians, volunteers and any other person with whom employees come in contact during the course of their employment.

      This standard of professionalism means that employees will:
      1. Maintain a professional appearance per department specific dress code.
      2. Wear their identification badge in a location easily seen by patients at all times.
      3. Strive to exceed patients’ expectations.
      4. Maintain competency and acquire new skills as needed.
      5. Pick up and dispose of/clean up any litter or spills they find or notify housekeeping.
      6. Return all equipment to its proper place and clean their work area before end of shift.
      7. Utilize personal protective equipment/safety devices to prevent injury.
      8. Report any potential safety issues.
      9. Refrain from eating food at all times while talking on the phone or in patient care areas or anywhere visible to patients and visitors.
  • Communication
    • Neuro One Hospital takes seriously its obligation to operate the institution in a way that maintains and supports the community’s trust in the unique services it performs. The manner in which its employees communicate internally and externally directly impacts Neuro One’s ability to create and foster that trust.

      Adherence to this communication standard requires that employees will:
      1. Answer the phone promptly (within 3 rings) and politely offer name, department and assistance.
      2. Ask permission and wait for a response before placing a caller on hold.
      3. Provide the caller with the extension number, prior to transferring a call.
      4. Ask, “Is there anything else I can do for you?” prior to ending a phone call with a customer.
      5. Return calls and respond to e-mails in a timely manner.
      6. Limit personal use of cell phones, texting, and internet to mealtime or breaks in non-public areas.
      7. Refrain from using of personal camera phone at all times while at work.
      1. Communicate in a manner that is positive and builds trust and confidence in the organization.
      2. Offer a sincere apology for problems and in conveniences without blaming others.
      3. Thank patients for choosing our hospital.
      4. Use “please” & “thank you” often in conversations.
      5. Reduce noise in every activity, especially at night.
      6. Discuss personal and work-related issues away from patients and visitors, always using a low voice.
      7. Introduce self to patients stating name, department, explain length of procedure/process and what to expect, and thank the patient.
      8. Reinforce information provided to patients by physicians and other healthcare professionals.
      9. Explain things in a way that can be easily understood.
      10. Listen carefully when engaged in conversations with others.
  • Customer Service
    • Neuro One Hospital strives to provide an environment where customers, (visitors, employees, physicians, volunteers, especially patients) are treated with respect and dignity. All employees must adhere to the highest standard of customer service to promote the principles, ideals and mission of the Hospital.

      Achievement of this standard means that employees will:
      1. Promptly respond to patients’ requests or seek assistance from another employee.
      2. Answer the call lights by the 3rd ring.
      3. Respond to patient requests within 4 minutes or explain to the patient that there will be a delay.
      4. Address patients by their preferred name of their requirements.
      5. Round hourly on patients and include the 3 P’s (pain, position and bathroom privileges).
      6. State “Is there anything else that I can do for you?” prior to leaving a patient room.
      7. Check on patients within one hour of shift change and breaks.
      8. Provide timely updates to patients and family members on delays.
      9. Offer hospitality to waiting visitors.
      10. Assist coworkers with their assigned duties.
      11. Provide a courteous and appropriate report to coworkers before leaving the unit.
      12. Arrive at meetings and trainings on time.
      13. Return from breaks and lunch within the allotted time.
      14. Explain the purpose of medication before giving it to the patient.
      15. Ask patients if their pain is under control.
      16. Prepare patients for discharge by explaining what they should do during their recovery at home and ensuring the patient or a family member understands the instructions.
  • Common Courtesy
    • Neuro One Hospital is dedicated to providing an environment that is pleasant, welcoming, supportive, and reassuring. As a result, employees are expected to exercise the highest standard of courtesy when dealing with each other and patients, and therefore, employees will:

      1. Smile at and greet individuals they encounter.
      2. Treat others with courtesy and respect.
      3. Allow individuals with disabilities primary access in corridors/waiting areas.
      4. Keep corridors/waiting areas free of clutter so they are easily accessible.
      5. Hold the door and allow the individual to enter first, when escorting patients or visitors.
      6. Offer assistance to individuals who need help finding their destination and escort them if possible.
  • Patient Privacy
    • By law and by policy, Neuro One Hospital is dedicated to preserving and safeguarding the privacy of its patients and their families. This requires that employees apply the highest standards of confidentiality when involved in any matter involving patients.

      This standard requires that employees will:
      1. Knock before entering a room.
      2. Close doors or draw curtains to ensure privacy.
      3. Inform patients that they are taking steps to ensure patient privacy.
      4. Politely ask visitors to step out of patient rooms when necessary to assure patient privacy.
      5. Assure a patient is adequately covered when transporting.
      6. Avoid discussing patient matters in locations where conversation could be overheard.
      7. Refrain from discussing any patient-related matter to anyone outside or inside of Hospital unless there is a work-related reason for the discussion.