Our capable and specialized team and support staff are ready to step in and maintain the same level of high-quality care you’ve provided to your patient. Rest assured, we will do our best to provide your patient the best possible outcome.

Date :
Patient Name :
Age :
Sex :
Nature of the issue : Medical / Surgical :
Referring Physician :
Hospital :
Place :
Email :
Phone Number :
You can expect:
  • Timely responses and updates regarding your patient’s plan
  • Clear communication regarding necessary records and tests to get your patient seamlessly transferred to our care

Contact our Patient Navigator at 7397771405 to get started, or get in touch with our PRO 9361322216, 9361322217.

Treating Every Patient as a Person

We perform more neurosurgeries than any other center in the TamilNadu, and yet, our focus is providing the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for every individual we see.